
Size comparison of Earth and Mars
Mars  is the 4Th planet from the sun and the 7Th largest in our solar system.Because of it's reddish appearance It is well known as the "Red Planet".It has been named after the Roman God of war. le.The month of "March" is named after the plane"Mars". It is the second brightest nat
Symbol of Mars
Mars, god of war.
The symbol of "Mars" is a circle with an arrow emerging out of it in the right and positioned digonaly upwards.The circle infact represents  shield and arrow a spear. It is a symbol of "Manhood".
In ancient Greece it was drawn as  4909.

Same symbol means differently in different  fields.

Element  Iron
Planet Mars
The male connector
The men's bath room
A part of the logo for"VOLVO" automobiles.

Few  interesting things about Mars
  • It is the 4th planet from the Sun.
  • It is the 7th largest planet in our solar system.
  • Mars has two moons.Phobos and deimos.
  • There are three space crafts on the surface of Mars.
  •        NASA'S Spirit
  •        Oopportunity Rovers
  •        Phoenix Mars Lander
  • There are three orbiters watching the surface of Mars.
  •         NASA's Mars  reconnaissance Orbiter
  •         Mars Odyssey
  •         Mars express (belongs to European Space Agency) Odyssey 
  • The tallest volcano in our  solar system is on Mars.It's name is Olympus Mons.It has an elevation of 27km and measures 550 km across
  • The longest and deepest canyon in our solar system is on Mars.t's name is valles Marineris.It is about 4,000 km long.At some spot it is seven km deep.
  • The surface temprature of Mars is too cold and it has no liquid water.the 
Where is mount of Mars Positive(+) located in the palm?

Mount of Mars is located in the palm  below the mount of Jupiter between the thumb and the arch made by the life line.Mount of Mars Positive is usually found in men's hands.When it is fleshy the owner of the hand is "Martian". 

What it means to be "Martian"?

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  • Brave
  • Courageous
  • Great fighter
  • Man of crisis
  • Man of crisis
  • Friend of friends
  • Practical
  • Realistic
  • Never gives up ea


Bronze statuette of Mars
Second Century CE
British Museum

Painting of statue of Mars
Ist Century CE 

Mars Disarmed By Venus and Three Graces 
Artist: Jacques Louis David 
Special thanks to

Mars The God of War -- An Old Book Illustration

Mars The God of War

Mars Ist century,found in the forum of Nerva
(Capitoline Museums,Rome)